When you first started your company, you may have had a group of close friends who were your original employees. They started off ambitious, like you, but gradually they grew more and more complacent. Now they are a hazard to your company’s future, and you don’t like that. You feel like you need to replace them with someone who cares about the company’s future, or maybe you just found someone who has more skill than them, but what if you don’t get along as well with the new employee? And how do you fire a friend?
USA Computer Services Blog
USA Computer Services has been serving small and medium sized businesses since 2012, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting.
Some business owners rely on their iPhone for a lot more than just work-related functions. With so many applications and whatnot consuming your phone’s processing power, your iPhone’s battery can quickly get drained. This, in turn, drains your productivity. If your phone is always dead, you can’t get much done with it. Shouldn’t there be a way to boost your battery’s efficiency?
No matter what kind of business you run, you’re likely to gain many friends and allies in the war of entrepreneurship. However, you’ll also gain a lot of enemies (i.e. your competitors) that you’ll need to one-up somehow. Of course, you could always just exploit what they are doing wrong, but what about what they are doing right?
Have you ever been prompted to change your password, then forgotten what the new one was twenty seconds later? Changing passwords consistently is a good practice, but let’s face it; unless you have them put away somewhere, you are probably going to forget about them at least once (unless you use a post-it note on your monitor, which is never a good idea). Additionally, if passwords are short and easily guessable, you risk being targeted by a phishing attack or other hacking attack.
“What kind of computer have you got there?” For a novice computer user who knows very little about this sort of thing, being asked a basic question like this can be baffling. You don’t have to be embarrassed by your lack of technical prowess. Microsoft makes it easy to find out what you’ve “got under the hood.”
Wireless connections like WiFi can be tricky at times. Either they don’t work, the connection isn’t a very good one, or there are too many people using it for it to be effective. Whatever the reason, you can bet that there are people using your WiFi who shouldn’t be can be. This can lead to many problems including security concerns, slow browsing speeds, and more.
When a disaster strikes, you should be able to recover quickly and efficiently with minimal downtime. Unfortunately, for some businesses, things don’t work out quite so smoothly. If your backup doesn’t process correctly, you might be in a bind when it comes time to restore operations from your backed-up data. How does one go about troubleshooting a failed backup?
It’s always important to know about what you’re investing in before you take the leap of faith. In the world of business and managed IT, we understand that jargon and abbreviations can potentially kill a sale. This is what we call “geekspeak,” and while it’s generally avoided as much as possible, it can cause some business owners’ eyes to glaze over and zone out.
As the Internet of Things and BYOD make headlines in the technology world, more and more devices are connecting to wireless networks. While this means that technology continues to grow more mobile, it also means that threats are given new avenues to access countless devices, many of which might contain information of a personal nature.
Let’s face it: The Internet is filled with opinions, and several of them are undoubtedly wrong. Generally, most mature people will take these opinions with a grain of salt and move on. The other half of the population absolutely must respond. These responses are often less-than-friendly, and some of them are just trying to anger the original poster. We call these people Internet trolls.
If you feel like you’re having trouble communicating with your team, it’s probably because you are. In fact, it may be because you’re communicating with them the wrong way. By overhauling the way you approach small talk and office chit-chat, you can improve office intercommunication and your own public image.
Humans are self-serving, especially when it comes to the workplace, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In this day and age, people want more out of their workplace than just a decent salary and flexible company policies. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive to get everyone to enjoy their workday.
Android smartphones are at the top of the mobile market, but they have a flaw which some people don’t even realize is there - the lack of a recycle bin. Anything deleted is unlikely to be recovered, which can be seriously inconvenient for many people. What if you accidentally delete something important? Thankfully, there is a fix to this problem in the form of an app called Dumpster.
We all know the pains of having a laptop with low battery power, but sometimes it feels like you're perpetually plugging in your computer; even when it seems like the battery should last longer. These battery problems are common, but they aren’t an endgame for your laptop. There are several ways you can jumpstart your laptop’s battery.
It doesn’t take much to disrupt your company’s network and cause downtime. Whether it’s from something major like a natural disaster, or something minor like forgetting your network login credentials, you need to have a plan in place that gets your network up and running as soon as possible. Here are three common scenarios that you need to plan for.
It’s easy to get scatterbrained when things get busy. When this happens, you can forget important things like where you placed your keys, and where you saved your computer file. To help you out, here are some tips on how to locate a missing file. As far as your missing keys go, did you check underneath the couch?